On behalf of the Gurkha Memorial Fund we are delighted that the fourth Computer Technology Education Centre project for schools in Nepal was inaugurated recently. The handover ceremony was arranged and commissioned with the help of our sister group The Gurkha Memorial Foundation Nepal and was accompanied by Chairman Dhan Gurung and trustees.
The secondary school Dhulabari in Mechinager Jhapa is situated in District No 1 within the south eastern region of Nepal. School principal Mahendra Bilash Luitel said:
“I am thrilled to accept the kind facilities and thanked all those involved. The project now enables the school to enjoy computer technology facilities to assist learning and interaction with other schools including the Folkestone Schools for Girls situated in Folkestone. Our students are immensely grateful which would have taken years to achieve otherwise.”
Chairman Dhan Gurung commented:
“My humble thanks to all my trustees and respective project teams in Nepal and the UK. It was a delight to see so many excited children experiencing the marvellous facilities as well as having the opportunity to meet officials. We are now hoping to extend facilities into many other locations with their cooperation.”
UK project coordinator and trustee Ray Johnson commented:
“I had the pleasure to visit Nepal once again and it was so gratifying to see the terrific outcome of these vital projects. We continue to link remote schools in Nepal with the rest of the world and particularly here within schools in Folkestone.
“These facilities offer the opportunity to improve educational as well as future employment prospects. As with the first project the usage will also be available to adults and the local community. On this occasion it was wonderful to see of the children experiencing such terrific future prospects.
“I am keen to work with companies that may wish to consider these projects and you contact me on 07968290352 or rdjohnson@outlook.com.”
It is possible to assist our projects by donating via BACS use reference GMFC to:
- Account Name: Folkestone Gurkha Memorial Fund
- Sort code: 52-41-42
- Account number: 47201290
or via www.gurkhamemorialfund.org.uk
or send cheque to GMF c/o 34 Julian Road, Folkestone, CT19 5HW and state if the donations can be Gift Aided to raise a further 25%.