I am pleased to confirm that we shall hold our 8th year Ceremony Service event on Sunday 2nd October within the Christchurch Memorial Gardens in Folkestone CT20 2BN at 11:00 am. There will be the regimental piper escorts accompanied with distinguished followed by the service.
Everyone will be welcomed by the worshipful Town Mayor of Folkestone and the Chairman of Folkestone & Hythe District Council, followed by a bugler sounding The Last Post and a two minute silence. In addition to prayers and national anthems there will be the traditional wreath laying by all the dignitaries along with the local community.
We will also be holding our Charity dinner evening on Friday 18th November at the Burlington Hotel, Folkestone at 6:30 pm. Costing £40.00 a ticket we will enjoy a special Nepalese meal, with music and dancing. For advance tickets please contact John Barber: barberjd4@gmail.com 07967345901
The fund is now concentrating on a third computer technology project to provide a computer suite with 30 computers in rural Nepal.