Organised by Gurkha Memorial Fund in support of Computer, Technology, Education Project for Rural Schools in Nepal.
We would welcome your participation in this event and invite you and your spouse / partner / friends to join us for this walk (it is not a race) to help our fundraising efforts to support our third Computer Technology Project to schools in impoverished areas of Nepal and the local community and to support links with UK schools.
Our target is to raise £14,000 and we have already reached £5,500 towards this.
We are asking for a donation of £10 to participate, paid on the day, by cheque or BACS to Folkestone Gurkha Memorial Fund; sort code 52-41-42; Account Number 47201290 – card payments will also be accepted on the day.
A wristband and water will be provided to all participants. The 4th May walk will start at 10.30am from the Folkestone Bandstand CT20 2EB and will take you down to the seafront for a refreshing and flat walk along the seafront past Sandgate and on to the eastern end of the Hythe Imperial golf course where there will be further stewards to direct you back to Folkestone.
If you plan to join us it would be helpful to have an idea of numbers. Please inform Dhan Gurung by email gmfdhan@gmail.com or mobile 07861 697606 or John Barber barberjd49@gmail.com 07967 345901. Cheques should be made payable to “Folkestone Gurkha Memorial Fund” and sent to John Barber at the address below.
Yours sincerely,
Dhan Gurung
The Gurkha Memorial Fund UK
John Barber, 34 Julian Road, Folkestone, Kent ,CT19 5HW. Email barberjd49@gmail.com Tel 07967 345901
or Dhan Gurung email:dgurung5@hotmail.com Tel O7861 697606
or Ray Johnson email rdjohnson2020@outlook.com Tel 07968 290352.