Gurkha Memorial Fund meet the Nepalese UK Ambassador

The Gurkha Memorial Fund Chairman Dhan Gurung and trustees had the recent pleasure to meet the Nepalese UK Ambassador, His Excellency Mr Chandra Kumar Ghimire at the Embassy in London.

It was an opportunity to brief the Ambassador and his team of the ongoing consistent work and achievements of the charity including the terrific outcomes of supporting the UK and Nepal communities with health, education through the provision of computer technology centres primarily in rural schools in Mechinagar, and wellbeing.

The charity has raised in excess of £800,000 and is currently focusing on fundraising for its sixth computer technology project with our partners The Gorkha Memorial Foundation Nepal and is appealing to all for donations and in particular to the business sectors which would compliment corporate strategies.

During the meeting the Chairman extended an invitation to the Ambassador to attend our 10th anniversary event being held in October 5th in the Garden of Remembrance and he also updated him that the Twinning initiative role has since been handed over via the Town Mayor to form a new Association. Incidentally the Gurkha Memorial Fund will be involved within an advisory capacity.

The UK project coordinator Ray Johnson welcomed the opportunity to strengthen our relationship to further enhance our focus by supporting those in need, educational work and interaction within the two countries.

Folkestone has a thriving Nepalese/Gurkha Community and our Chairman was the first Ex Gurkha in the UK to be elected as a Councillor and the statue erected in Folkestone by the GMF team is the only statue of a modern fighting Gurkha.

It is possible to assist our projects by donating via BACS use reference GMFC to:

  • Account Name: Folkestone Gurkha Memorial Fund
  • Sort code: 52-41-42
  • Account number: 47201290

or via

or send cheque to GMF c/o 34 Julian Road, Folkestone, CT19 5HW and state if the donations can be Gift Aided to raise a further 25%.

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